Formerly known as Wikibon

Ethics Statement

Last updated March 4, 2024

As longtime industry analysts, our goal is to maintain the highest levels of objectivity, independence and transparency in the research we write, the talks we give, our social media posts and other engagements we perform. We frequently analyze and report on companies that are also clients who pay us fees. The following statements outline how we address the inherent conflicts in our business.

Readers and listeners should be aware that we have commercial relationships with many of the companies that we cover, and our firm SiliconANGLE Media, Inc., which includes theCUBE and theCUBE Research, sometimes receives revenue from companies that we analyze. To that end, this statement describes our ethics as analysts, writers and business people and how we manage potential conflicts of interest.

It’s important to state that SiliconANGLE Media is a for-profit organization. SiliconANGLE Media’s business model depends substantially on sales of its products and services to technology sellers who we refer to as clients. We have three sources of revenue: 1) theCUBE live and on-demand TV; 2) theCUBE Research, offering research and advisory services, and 3) Digital experiences that aggregate content from theCUBE, and other properties, and we distribute that content to targeted communities.

TheCUBE conducts mostly unscripted interviews and distributes them widely over the internet and on social media. Organizations sponsor theCUBE and pay us because of our reach and ability to create content quickly. All sponsored content from theCUBE is clearly disclosed as such, and our analysts and writers maintain editorial authority over all content created. Many of our interviews are conducted on live TV, and as a matter of policy, we don’t alter the live content when posted on-demand unless there are circumstances warranting edits to correct mistakes or remove confidential information that was mistakenly divulged by a guest.

TheCUBE Research, formerly Wikibon, is the research arm of SiliconANGLE Media, Inc. TheCUBE Research team of analysts publishes analysis on and From time to time, theCUBE Research is paid to publish content that is underwritten by clients. In those instances, clients pay for the data-gathering effort but not the analysis, and theCUBE Research analysts maintain full control over content created by our analysts. Previously, theCUBE Research did not disclose when data gathering was underwritten. 

Our policy was such that clients did not get to see the written analysis until it was made public by theCUBE Research, and any comments or changes (when warranted) were made under public scrutiny. However, we felt this approach was too opaque and have subsequently changed our policy. Since 2023, content created from underwritten projects clearly discloses this fact. In addition, underwriters are now allowed to review the content prior to publication, but only for technical and pricing accuracy.

Opinions and analysis expressed by analysts are their own. Readers should be aware that analyst opinions are influenced by access to the data they have. Often, clients will provide favorable data points and access to “friendly” customers in an effort to support their arguments; however, we always endeavor to find alternative and opposing points of view from competitors and competitors’ customers. The analysis from this “opposing view” data is included in our content.

Readers should also be aware that as business people, writers and analysts, we manage relationships with many companies, and SiliconANGLE’s business depends, in part, on our ability to create lasting and financially profitable relationships with these organizations. Often, we consult with these firms and assist them with strategy, go-to-market choices, partnerships and competitive positioning. We are influenced by these interactions in the sense that the more contact we have with companies and their employees/ecosystems, the more informed we become about their products, services and strategies. However, we never alter our opinions for a fee, and we always strive to be objective, produce independent analysis and seek alternative views to include in our analysis. 

Moreover, we pledge to you, the reader and listener, that we will always strive to write content that is useful, informative and objective to end customers.

We typically don’t invest directly in the companies we cover. Most of our investments are managed at arm’s length by professionals in a diversified portfolio of stocks, funds and other financial vehicles with an allocation that fluctuates with market cycles and technical and fundamental trends. We do not attempt to use our knowledge of technology companies and markets to profit in the stock market. However if an analyst does own stocks directly in a company they cover, our policy is that it must be disclosed. 

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